Databases through the ages: From scientific calculations to big data analytics

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Databases have been around since the early days of computing. The first electronic computers were used primarily for scientific calculations, but as computers became more powerful and more widely available, they began to be used for business applications as well. In the 1960s, the first database management systems (DBMS) were developed, which enabled businesses to store and manage large amounts of data electronically. Since then, the field of database management has continued to evolve, with new technologies and approaches being developed to meet the changing needs of businesses and organizations.

One of the key developments in the history of databases was the introduction of the relational database model in the 1970s. This model, which is still widely used today, organizes data into tables or relations, with each table consisting of rows and columns. The relational model provides a flexible and efficient way to store and retrieve data, and it has become the basis for many of the modern database management systems used in businesses and organizations today.

In the 1980s and 1990s, object-oriented databases were developed, which were designed to store more complex data types, such as images and multimedia files. These databases represented a departure from the traditional relational model, and they were designed to be more flexible and adaptable to changing business needs.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in NoSQL databases, which are designed to handle large volumes of unstructured or semi-structured data. These databases are often used in big data applications, where traditional relational databases may not be able to handle the scale and complexity of the data.

Overall, the history of databases is a story of innovation and evolution, with new technologies and approaches being developed to meet the changing needs of businesses and organizations. As data continues to play an increasingly important role in business decision-making, the importance of effective database management will only continue to grow.

A business analyst should understand databases because they are often used to store and manage the data that is critical to making informed business decisions. Data warehousing, in particular, is a process of collecting, storing, and managing data from various sources to support business decision making. Understanding the key concepts of data warehousing, such as data integration, dimensional modeling, OLAP, and data marts, is vital for business analysts who are responsible for analyzing data and providing insights that drive business performance.

Let’s understand what a Data warehouse is and talk through some key concepts

Datawarehouse Concepts for Business Analysis

Data warehousing is a process of collecting, storing and managing data from various sources to support business decision making. It is designed to support business intelligence (BI) activities, such as analytical reporting, data mining, and forecasting. In this document, we will discuss some of the key concepts related to data warehousing that are essential for business analysis.

What is Data Warehousing?

A data warehouse is a large, centralized repository of data that is used to support decision making. It is a database designed to support business intelligence activities by providing a platform for data analysis, reporting and querying. A data warehouse integrates data from various sources, transforms it and stores it in a way that makes it easy to access and analyze.

Why Data Warehousing is important for Business Analysis

Data warehousing is crucial for business analysis because it provides a single source of truth for data. It enables organizations to store and analyze large amounts of data from various sources, including operational systems, external sources and other data warehouses. This helps in identifying trends, patterns, and insights that can be used to make informed business decisions.

Key Concepts in Data Warehousing

Data Integration

Data integration is the process of combining data from various sources into a common format, which can be easily analyzed. Data integration involves data extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) into a data warehouse.

Dimensional Modeling

Dimensional modeling is a technique used in data warehousing to organize data in a way that is optimized for analytical reporting. It involves organizing data into dimensions and facts. Dimensions are attributes that describe the context of the data, while facts are the measures or values that are being analyzed.

Data Marts

A data mart is a subset of a data warehouse that is designed to support a specific business function or department. Data marts are usually smaller than data warehouses and are built to serve a specific purpose.


Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) is a technique used to perform complex multidimensional analysis of data in a data warehouse. OLAP enables users to analyze data from multiple dimensions and perspectives, including time, geography, and product categories.


In summary, data warehousing is a critical component of business analysis. It provides a platform for data integration, dimensional modeling, data marts, and OLAP, which are essential for making informed business decisions. Understanding these key concepts is vital for business analysts who are responsible for analyzing data and providing insights that drive business performance.

Data Warehousing Architecture

The architecture of a data warehouse is a key consideration for business analysis. There are two main types of data warehousing architectures: the Inmon architecture and the Kimball architecture.

Inmon Architecture

The Inmon architecture is a top-down approach that involves building a centralized data warehouse that is designed to support the entire organization. This architecture is based on the idea that a single source of truth for data is essential for decision making. The Inmon architecture involves a complex process of data integration, transformation, and loading, which can take a long time to set up.

Kimball Architecture

The Kimball architecture is a bottom-up approach that involves building data marts that are designed to support specific business functions or departments. The Kimball architecture is based on the idea that smaller, more focused data marts are easier to build and maintain than a single centralized data warehouse. The Kimball architecture is often faster and more cost-effective than the Inmon architecture, but it can be less flexible and may require more effort to integrate data from multiple sources.

Business Intelligence Tools

Business intelligence (BI) tools are software applications that are used to analyze data in a data warehouse. BI tools provide a range of functionality, including data visualization, dashboarding, and reporting. Some of the most popular business intelligence tools include Tableau, Power BI, and QlikView.

Data Governance

Data governance is the process of managing data as an enterprise asset. It involves developing policies, procedures, and standards for data management, as well as assigning roles and responsibilities for data management. Data governance is essential for ensuring data quality, consistency, and security in a data warehouse.

Data Quality

Data quality is a critical consideration for business analysis in a data warehouse. Poor data quality can lead to inaccurate analysis and flawed decision making. Data quality can be improved through data cleansing, data profiling, and data validation.


In conclusion, data warehousing is an essential component of business analysis. Understanding the key concepts of data warehousing, such as data integration, dimensional modeling, OLAP, and data marts, is vital for business analysts. In addition, understanding the architecture of a data warehouse, the role of business intelligence tools, and the importance of data governance and data quality is critical for ensuring the success of a data warehousing project.